2010 Evelyn Hockstein/CARE) *Emy Mercie, 39, was holding her newborn baby in the hospital soon after delivery when she felt the earth start to share on Jan 12. She received a hygiene kit (background) from CARE.
AAUW Toledo Branch and CARE cordially invite you to join us for a presentation and discussion on CARE’s work in Haiti
Featuring CARE Policy and Advocacy Field Coordinator
Ellen Carmichael
Wednesday, January 26
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
at Lourdes College
Franciscan Center Boardroom
6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania, Ohio 43560
CARE is a leading humanitarian organization fighting global poverty. Even before the earthquake, CARE was working in Haiti. Since the earthquake, they have worked to improve hygiene, prevent the spread of cholera, to help people transition from camps back to their own communities, and to help protect women and girls from gender-based violence. One special focus has been on maternal health, and they are working to create women’s centers where pregnant women can go for prenatal counseling and clean delivery kits to help them bring their children into the world safely. The presentation will highlight CARE’s accomplishments since the earthquake, the work left to be done, and the ways that our community can help.
For additional information: Jennifer Sader, jsader@lourdes.edu or jennifer.sader@gmail.com