2017 Equal Pay Day

Would you like to work at least 15 months for the same paycheck your male coworker received in just 12 months? Well, if you’re a woman odds are you already do, even if you are a member of a union.

Join us for a discussion with local Union Women about the work these leaders are doing to ensure equity and fair pay for all, especially the women they represent.

Tuesday April 4, 2017
5:00 pm
UAW Local 12 Union Hall
2300 Ashland Ave.
Toledo, Ohio 43620

Featured Panelist:

Erika D. White Vice President and 25 year member, CWA Local 4319, Communications Workers Of America.  At the State level, Erika represents Ohio on the CWA District Women’s Committee and serves as the state benefits representative for the joint benefit forum.   Erika also serves on the executive board health chair for the Toledo NAACP

Sandra Coutcher, President AFSME (American Federation of State, and Municipal Employees) 
President of Local 3794 since 2004, and serves on The AFSCME Ohio Council 8 Executive Board. Sandy is a long-time member of AFSCME Local 3794 and a 32-year employee of the Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities, where she is a Skills Coach.  She first joined AFSCME in 1985 and has held a number of leadership positions including local union recording secretary, vice president, and was elected union president in 2004, a post she continues to hold.

Marcia Young – Chairperson of UAW Local 12 Women’s Committee
The women’s committee is not a bargaining committee for women; however, the committee discusses problems of women workers in the workplace and makes recommendations for solutions to the local union or unit bargaining committee.

 Juanita Bryd, Union Stewart SEIU District 1199.

Moderator: Audrey Johnson, Community Liason, Achieve Academy.