A Message from our Branch President, Carol Leupp

Dear Toledo Branch Members and Friends,

Happy New Year and welcome to the one hundred eleventh year for Toledo Branch AAUW. I hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday season with family and friends. Those of you who attended the December 11 AAUW Holiday meeting at Highland Meadows were treated to a very special afternoon of delicious food, entertainment by “Sine Nomine Singers” and hearing from our current Wemmer Scholarship recipients! We can be very proud of these outstanding young women. Thank you to those members who made this meeting possible: Mikki Breese (chairperson), Melinda Swartz (music), and Ann Hartmann (Wemmer recipients).

In this new year there are two new committees already at work: Nominating (Carol Norton , Bobbie Raeder and Gail Conrad) and Fundraising (Joanie Barrett, Kathy Kraynak, Virginia Clifford and Susie Telljohann). Please remember to give these committees your support in providing branch leadership and in raising funds to help the work off AAUW in advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.

Our branch “Women in History” will be performing for school children during January, February and March on Wednesday mornings at Wildwood Manor House. What a wonderful way for children to learn about famous women and their contributions to society. This will be the seventeenth year of performing for some of our Women in History.

AAUW co-sponsored with CARE for the January 26th meeting: CARE’S Work in Haiti: One Year After the Earthquake.” Thank you to Jennifer Sader, branch social media coordinator and assistant professor at Lourdes College, for making arrangements for this very informative meeting.

I hope to see you on February 6th at Gail Conrad’s for “Super Bowl Sunday” potluck and learning about AAUW’s Legal Advocacy Fund.

Yours in AAUW,
Carol Leupp, President