Dear Toledo Branch AAUW Members,
When considering branch programming for the year, we are reminded of our mission statement: AAUW advances equity for all women and girls through education, advocacy, philanthropy and research. Our programs and activities need to reflect AAUW’s mission, and our September 21st kickoff meeting did that. We learned from Steve Pollick about the importance of nature in the lives of children. The campers we sponsored to math and science camps during the summer shared their enthusiasm for experiences at Lourdes University Life Lab and AAUW/Ohio’s “Be Wise Camp.” We hope these girls were inspired to continue studying science and math and consider careers in these fields which lack female participation. Thanks to Gail Conrad, Susan Roberts-McGlade (Metroparks), Darla Culberson, Sister Rosine Sobczak, (Lourdes Life Lab), Kathy Kraynak and Deb DiGennaro (fundraising committee) for making this meeting a success.
Advocacy Efforts in Washington. AAUW Public Policy reports progress on three issues members discussed with Senators and Representatives during AAUW’s national convention:
Protecting Social Security—A new bill, Keeping Our Social Security Promises Act (S. 1558), presents the idea of closing Social Security’s funding gap by lifting the cap on payroll taxes for Social Security purposes. Members can help strengthen AAUW’s efforts to protect and strengthen social security by asking Senators to co-sponsor this bill.
National Women’s History Museum moves closer to becoming a reality. Legislation which allows the creation of a National Women’s History Museum on the National Mall passed out of committee in the House of Representatives. The museum would be paid for through private donations and would be the only museum specifically about women and their contribution to American history in the nation’s capital.
Campus Sexual Violence Elimination (SaVE Act (H.R. 2016) AAUW lobby Corps are visiting members of Congress to build support for a critical piece of legislation that would fight sexual violence on our nation’s campuses.
AAUW Philanthropy efforts are exhibited through our Fellowships and Grants recipients each year. Current recipients are: Toledo Branch American Fellowship, Lauren Rich, Ph.D.,English Language and Literature at University of Notre Dame. Jeanne Gail Conrad Career Development Grant, Melody Collins, M.S.W. Oncology social work at Marywood University , Scranton PA. Toledo Branch/Dean Katherine Easley Wemmer Career Development Grant, Dawn Kimble, M.L.S. Adult education and leadership at University of Memphis, and Carol A.Leupp/Toledo OH Branch Career Development Grant, Ameerah McBride, J.D. Law at Ohio Northern University.
Yours in AAUW,
Carol Leupp, President