Great thanks to Melinda Swartz who donated to the branch the proceeds from the sales of her wonderfully- knit scarves at our December Holiday Brunch: $417.00!
Hooray for Jean Hersland who won the raffle of the framed print donated to the branch by Arts & Antiques study group and by Inside Angles Custom Framing Gallery! The raffle netted $100.
And still on the subject of fund-raising, Carol Leupp hosted a delightful and delicious holiday tea to raise “Dollars for Scholars.”
New “Women in History” this year include Millie Benson/ Carolyn Keene (Joanie Barrett) and Harriet Tubman (Hubie Pitts).Meet them and/or other famous women at Wildwood Metropark’s Manor House from 10:00 a.m. Wednesdays in Feb & March. Phone Susan Roberts-McGlade at 419-277-0107 to be sure of schedule and space.
On Saturday, Jan. 5, Melissa Jeter and Jackie Bartels were featured on WTOL Morning Show, promoting the “Knitting BeTween the Ages” project at the Heatherdowns Library co-sponsored by our AAUW “Knitting for Others” study group!