First Marge Lee STEM Scholarship Award

Marge Lee, Past AAUW/Toledo Branch President and Past AAUW/Ohio President, joined with members of the U.T. Catherine S. Eberly Center for Women last month to interview three excellent candidates to receive our branch’s first-ever  Marge Lee scholarship for women studying science, technology, engineering, math, or medicine.  The winner is Briana Choltko, a junior with a 3.7 g.p.a., an Intern at Air Products, and a full time student in Chemical Engineering.  She is a member of the Engineering Honorary, Omega Chi Epsilon;  the Society of Women Engineers; Engineers without Borders (for whose Los Sanchez, Honduras, project she helped design solar panels); and Alpha Phi Omega, a service organization.  She writes, “The whole reason for becoming an engineer was to help people.”