I try to write parts for women that are as complicated and interesting as women actually are.

I try to write parts for women that are as complicated and interesting as women actually

President’s Letter: Is Your Vision 2020?

What do you want to see happening in our branch in the year 2020?

I know that each of you hopes to see a group of energetic women working together for equity in the lives of women and girls. How can we ensure our 20/20 vision becomes a reality in 2020?
AAUW/Toledo is the oldest and largest branch in Ohio, so let’s keep it that way! But how? Well, this is where you come in. We are looking for a few of you to join our 2020 Committee and shape the future for AAUW/Toledo.
Where should our focus be? Keeping alive the mission of AAUW – empowering women and girls since 1881 – is a significant task. All of us do our part in our day-to-day lives; however, where do we focus our
collective energy?
Should you be willing to take on this vital role in the future of AAUW/Toledo, let us know: call me at 419-787-8258 or send me an e-mail at m.radtkin@yahoo.com.

From the AAUW Strategic Plan: “Branches can embrace the goals and strategies, build their own plans, and determine how they can contribute to our shared organizational success within the parameters of their own resources and communities.”
Let’s focus on our own resources and the needs of our community.

Yours in AAUW,

Michelle Radtkin